Flare-On 6 CTF WriteUp (Part 5)

Flare-On 6 CTF WriteUp (Part 5)

This is the fifth part of the Flare-On 6 CTF WriteUp series.

5 – Demo

The challenge reads

Someone on the Flare team tried to impress us with their demoscene skills. It seems blank. See if you can figure it out or maybe we will have to fire them. No pressure.
** You will need DirectX 9

We have a PE file named 4k.exe. Running the binary pops up a window containing the rotating Flare logo on a black background.

Figure 1: Rotating Flare logo
Figure 1: Rotating Flare logo

The window doesn’t exhibit any other behavior. It does not respond to mouse clicks or keypresses except the ESC key which closes it.

An entropy scan in Detect It Easy reveals the binary is packed.

Figure 2: The binary is packed
Figure 2: The binary is packed

The instructions near the entrypoint does not look to be generated by a standard compiler which confirms that the binary is indeed packed.

Figure 3: This does not look to be generated by a standard compiler
Figure 3: This does not look to be generated by a standard compiler

Dynamic analysis in a debugger is generally the best way when reversing packed binaries. Packed binaries have a decompression stub at the beginning whose purpose is to decompress the compressed code to a proper location in memory and transfer control to it. Analyzing the decompression stub is not always needed. Likewise, in this binary we can can bypass the decompression stub. Set a breakpoint on the ret instruction as shown in Figure 4. Its located a few lines below the entrypoint.

Figure 4: Bypassing the decompression stub
Figure 4: Bypassing the decompression stub

When the breakpoint hits, single step once to reach Figure 5 which is close to the Original Entry Point (OEP)

Figure 6: Near OEP
Figure 6: Near OEP

The OEP is located just below at 42008E as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: At OEP
Figure 7: At OEP

As mentioned in the challenge description, the binary requires DirectX 9 to run. To ease analysis, its recommended to have the proper pdb symbols loaded. First ensure that Symbol Store and Symbol path are set in x64dbg preference. Now go to the symbols tab, Right Click -> Download Symbols for all modules.

At the beginning we  have a call to Direct3DCreate9.

Figure 8: Call to Direct3DCreate9
Figure 8: Call to Direct3DCreate9

If the call is successful, it proceeds to create a window and set its size as in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Creating a window
Figure 9: Creating a window

Next down, we have a call to a function which creates two meshes. A mesh is an ordered collection of vertices describing an object.

Figure 10: Creating two meshes
Figure 10: Creating two meshes

Note that the function name create_mesh  is not a part of the original binary and have been added later based on the function’s disassembled code. Next, it sets up lighting as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Lighting up!
Figure 11: Lighting up!

Finally, it calls GetAsyncKeyState in an infinite loop listening for the state of the ESC key.

Figure 12: The Frame loop
Figure 12: The Frame loop

If ESC is not pressed. it goes on to draws a frame. This continues in a loop.

Analyzing setup_meshes

Inside setup_meshes we already saw two calls to create_mesh as in Figure 10. That’s strange considering we can only see a single mesh on the window – the rotating Flare logo. Let’s look inside create_mesh.

Figure 13: The create_mesh function

There is a call to D3DXCreateMeshFVF. The first two parameters of this function are the number of faces and number of vertices of the mesh respectively. Lets find out the number of faces and vertices for each of the mesh. This can be done by simply setting a breakpoint at the call instruction and inspecting the stack.

For the first mesh,

Figure 14: First Mesh
Figure 14: First Mesh

Number of faces = 0x38 = 56
Number of vertices = 0x1E = 30

For the second mesh,

Figure 14: Second Mesh
Figure 15: Second Mesh

Number of faces = 0x10A = 266
Number of vertices = 0x128 = 296

The second mesh has a large number of faces and vertices and its highly unlikely that it is the Flare logo. This mesh is probably hidden/not drawn and that’s why we cannot see it on the screen. Let’s see if we can make it visible.

Figure 16: The return value is stored in memory
Figure 16: The return value is stored in memory

The return value from create_mesh in eax is stored in memory as shown in Figure 16. For the first call, this goes to 0x430050, and 0x430054 for the second. Lets interchange those two memory locations. This can be easily done in x64dbg by double clicking the instruction and changing the addresses. Our patched code looks like Figure 17.

Figure 17: Swapping the memory locations

Now all that is left is to see the changes in action!

Figure 18: A change for the better!
Figure 18: A change for the better!

Instead of the rotating Flare logo, we have the rotating flag. Thus the second mesh was indeed the flag.

FLAG: moar_pouetry@flare-on.com

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